The team

Louis DelaittreLouis Delaittre

MBA in Management and Strategy, Paris-Sorbonne University. Experience of over 15 years in the construction sector and industry ( photovoltaic projects financial engineering and structuring).

photo identitéJohn Ravaloson


Financial investment advisor (CIF). Graduate and member of SFAF, Sciences Po Paris, Master in Applied Economics, Master in International Administration. Former Ambassador of Madagascar and former Head of Research Credit Lyonnais Securities Paris.

gclarGauthier Clar

Managing Director

Graduated from Sciences Po Paris, Master in International Finance.Active in investment banking and in project and structured finance for over 20 years. Head of Asset Structured Finance for CCF / HSBC New York  (1996-2003) before joining Dexia Project Finance division (2003-2008), and founding (2008) Actinv SAS, a consultancy company assisting corporate and collectivities conducting their project in Rail Transportation. Lately (2009-june 2014), Managing Director for Banco Santander, supervising Santander’s equity investment in capital intensive projects, with a focus on Infrastructure, Transport and Energy, for the French and Benelux Area..

Jean-Louis Picqué
Large infrastructure project

Infrastructure project senior manager. Graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure. PhD in Physics. Until 2001, Research Director with National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS). Former European Commission Research General Directorate officer in charge of large research infrastructure projects (member of the Steering Committee of many very large infrastructure projects). Former Economy, Innovation and Research Representative of Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional Authority.Between 2010 and 2014, Director of Grand Lille University Campus project at Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional Authority.

 bruno cazalet

Bruno de Cazalet

Of counsel

PhD in Law, graduated from Aix en Provence Business Management Institute, Bachelor in Economics. Global Partner at Gide Loyrette Nouel from 1981 to 2011, then head of GLN Tunis office until May 2013. Honorary lawyer at the Paris Bar and France External Trade Adviser. More than 30 years of experience in realizations of large infrastructure and major industrial projects.

Lecturer in international law of construction and project finance at Toulouse Law University and in international project engineering at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Gilles AbramsonGilles Abramson

Head of ARB Market Process

Financial investment advisor (CIF). Masters of Business Administration, graduate and member of SFAF. Former financial analyst at l’Européenne de Banque and european institutional fund manager and real estate funds with Crédit Mutuel – CIC particular. Responsible for various Funds worth EUR 1.3 billion of assets under management. Former professor of Finance in business schools. Professor at “L’Ecole de la Bourse”.

.Philippe DelaittrePhilippe Delaittre

Head of real estate investment

Charted acountant, CNAM Paris. Formerly with audit firm. Active in the investment industry and real estate development for more than 20 years. Managing Partner of Aston Conseil. Achieved many investment operations in hospitality, residential and commercial sectors.

..Jean-Charles PoullainJean-Charles Poullain

Director of renewable energy project development

MBA University of Dallas, HEC Montreal, CEO of CITA (development of wind and solar projects) from 1999 to 2012. Controller and CEO of GSEF Group from 1998 to 2005. Lecturer at the Illinois Institute of Technology from 2001 to 2003 on the technology and opportunities in the field of wind energy.